Membership application

Svenska Russavelsföreningen, SvRaF, is the Official Breed Society and holders of the Gotland Pony Studbook.

The Gotland Pony is Swedens only remaining domestic breed of pony. Once common as a wild pony at the Swedish island of Gotland, it’s now an endangered breed with approximately 6000 ponies around the world. At Lojsta Hed, a forest region on Gotland, a wild heard of 50 mares and their foals is still kept.

The Gotland Pony is known for its capacity in many disciplines which makes the pony popular for both competitions and family activities. The Gotland Pony is also recognized for its exceptional talent in pony trotting.

If you would like to become a member of the Society we recommend that you contact one of our local groups to be able to participate in local activities.

If you are living abroad, it is still possible to become a member of the central organisation, SvRaF.

A membership in the SvRaF last for a year from the 1 of January until the 31 of December and the membership is due for payment on the 31 of January or when you join the Society.

The fee is 300 SEK/person and to fulfil your application you have to enclose your name, address, phone number and email along with your payment.

Payment information:

Plusgiro 693481-4

For overseas payment, please add:
IBAN SE08 9500 0099 6026 0693 4814

For further information, please contact Liselotte Erixon,

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